IKEA Print application
Printer Drivers
IKEA is a global company expanding rapidly. Demands of availability, lowering prices and health and safety also requires more efficient logistics, more secure and accurate data and more control over the quality in the whole Supply Chain.
IKEA hereby offers to its suppliers the access to a special unified tool called Print application which will enable print of dynamic labels with a GS1 DataMatrix. The GS1 DataMatrix will be encoded with different application identifiers as needed.
Installation and usage
IKEA Print application is the application that provides the GS1 DataMatrix to IKEA suppliers. IKEA Print application runs as the front-end application to NiceLabel Cloud software.
To use IKEA Print Application in Cloud you need two things:
- Internet connection to access Cloud solution
https://IKEA.onnicelabel.com (Datacentre in Europe recommended for suppliers located in Europe) or
https://IKEA-AP.onnicelabel.com (Datacentre in APAC recommended for suppliers located in Asia-Pacific)
Installed NiceLabel Web Client
Note: For installation of NiceLabel Web Client please follow the steps explained in Supplier user manual section NiceLabel Web Client installation
Note: For login use the account information provided by IKEA.
Before you can print labels, you must install the driver for your printer driver. If you use thermal label printer, install NiceLabel drivers for your printer. You can download the latest version of the NiceLabel drivers here. If you use laser, inkjet or similar printers then the drivers are provided with the printer.
IKEA Print application will let you choose any printer for label printing from the list of installed drivers.
For more details on how to install, set up and use the IKEA Print application see videos below or check Supplier user guide.
Login and start
Print labels
Search and print
Search errors
Prefix, suffix and date stamp
Printlog and reprint
Section Printing
Data Matrix Format
Color Dot options
CPN selection
IPA - Unlimited printing
Merged Labels – Create New Mapping
Merged Labels – Add New Graphics
Merged Labels – Borders and Date Stamp
Merged Labels – Date Stamp Options
Merged Labels – Replacing LCI Graphics
Merged Labels – Removing LCI Graphics
Merged Labels – Delete Mapping
See frequently asked questions here.