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March 21, 2023

White Paper

Don’t Fall Short with New EU MDR Deadline

Does Your Labeling and Artwork Offer a Path to Compliance?

In February 2023 the European Parliament recognized the critical need to mitigate the risk of shortages for patient safety by granting an extension for the new EU MDR to 2027 or 2028 depending on device’s risk class.

This passage means medical device manufacturers can now take advantage of this opportunity to properly and cost-effectively implement labeling solutions that offer a clear corridor to compliance.

Download the whitepaper to learn how to:

  • Avoid recalls and non-compliance
  • Adhere to cross-border regulations 
  • Automate, optimize and centralize labeling
  • Enable fast, flexible label changes
  • Ensure security and auditability


  • Cloud
  • Regulatory
  • EU MDR
  • Supply Chain
  • Supplier Labeling
  • Artwork Management
  • Labeling
  • Track and Trace

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