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June 8, 2021


Where’s my license key?

Susan Gosnell

Did you know one of the most common support requests we receive is for help locating lost or deleted software license keys? This fact highlights one of the challenges of desktop software, such as traditional desktop label designers. Desktop applications are, by definition, local. Every time you upgrade or replace a computer, hire a new employee or move offices, you need to have your IT department install and license the software on the workstation. And license keys, like other locally stored files, have a way of getting lost or deleted.

The challenges don’t end there. Each time your IT department installs the software, they also have to create the necessary user profile and access roles. How many times have you waited for your new employee to have the right access profile granted? That’s a lot of time and resources spent on manually configuring and maintaining your label software.

Make life easier for your IT staff – move labeling to the Cloud

Label Cloud makes life decidedly easier for your IT staff. With Label Cloud, your IT staff can quickly and easily set up new users and manage system access roles and permissions. Label Cloud comes complete with a standard set of access roles, which your IT staff can customize to suit your internal environment. They can create custom user roles as well. Granting user access is as easy as sending an email to the new user. No local set-up or installation required. You can even connect Label Cloud to your Microsoft Windows Active Directory, so you can use the same user roles and profiles across all systems. 

This approach to user management offers several advantages:

  • You get a complete overview of everyone who has access to your labeling system.
  • You can grant and manage access remotely – a considerable advantage in this age of remote working.
  • You can grant temporary access to the system by creating guest users, if you have external consultants, interns or other temporary workers. This makes it easy for you to quickly ramp up production or transfer your labeling operations to other facilities, without having to be on-site.
  • You get improved security and transparency. With Label Cloud, you know exactly who has access to your labeling, and what they’re authorized to do. And you can manage it all centrally, without having to access a local computer log.

Find out more about how Label Cloud can benefit your business. Download our Label Cloud eBook.

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