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Get 40% off the first year's subscription

Take advantage of this great offer to upgrade your labeling process today. Contact us for 40% off the first year’s subscription!  


Simply log in from any computer—no license keys or local installations required


Easily connect and collaborate with your locations and supply chain partners


Seamlessly add more functionality and printers as your needs grow

Loftware Cloud Designer

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For additional details see the Loftware Privacy Policy

Terms & Conditions

Promotion Start date: July 1, 2024.  Promotion End date: Dec 31, 2024. Products included in the Promotion: The promotional price applies to the first year of new Loftware Cloud Designer and Essentials base subscriptions, part numbers NSCDBA001Y and NSCEBS001M. The promotion also applies to all renewals of Loftware Cloud Designer subscriptions that expire during the Promotion. The list price current at the time will be applied for renewals outside the promotion period. Other products: Loftware Cloud Designer and Essentials printer add-ons, Loftware Cloud Business, Loftware Compliance and NiceLabel subscriptions are not eligible for the promotional discount(s). Promotional price reduction: Loftware will apply a 40% discount to the list price of the base subscription only. So, printer add-ons and options are not included in the 40% promotion. The 40% promotion applies to renewals of Loftware Cloud Designer subscriptions that expire during the Promotion Period, and not to any other renewals. Only one promotion applies. This promotion may not be used in combination with any other Loftware promotions. Cancelation: You may cancel your subscription with your Loftware partner on expiry at the end of the year’s subscription. Cancelations are not accepted during the term. Payment: Subscriptions are paid annually in advance. Other terms: Loftware reserves the right to end a promotion at any time. Loftware shall not be liable for any financial loss arising out of the refusal, cancellation or withdrawal of any promotion or any failure or inability of a customer to take advantage of a promotion for any reason.

Any questions? Contact Loftware